жінкам, які в гарячих точках

ти така перелякана, стомлена
чекаєш, коли все скінчиться
а воно все затягується
і кінця не видно, стемніло вже...
що ж це робиться?
чому саме зараз?
чому саме тут, з нами?
одвічні ці питання
але треба прийняти цю данність
і жити в цьому хаосі з вірою,
що Господь теж дивиться на Вкраїну
і є сенс навіть у цьому безладі
наша ціль бути вірними
Богові та матері
любові та милості
собі та коханому
та нашій Україні!!!


  1. Right remember these women.
    How many dedications of love have been written for women in the course of history in everyday life, in the literature.

    So that's an example.
    (First part)

    To you who are the only person in the world
    The only reason to arrive till the end
    At each my breath
    When I look at you
    After a day full of words
    With you saying nothing
    Everything becomes clear

    To you who found me
    At the corner with my fists closed
    With my shoulder against the wall
    Ready to defend myself
    I was in a row
    With the disillusioned ones
    You have collected me like a cat
    And have brought me with you.

    To you I sing a song
    Because I haven’t got anything else
    Nothing better to offer you
    From everything I’ve got
    Take my time
    And the magic
    That with only a jump
    Lets us fly into the air
    Like little bubbles.

    To you who are
    Simply are
    Essence of my days
    Essence of my days

    To you who are my big love
    And my love big
    To you who caught my life
    And made it much more
    To you who gave meaning to the time
    Without measuring it
    To you who are my big love
    And my love big.

    To you who
    I saw crying in my hand
    So weak that I could even kill you
    Hugging you a little bit
    And then I saw you
    With the power of an airplane
    Taking your life in your hands
    And fleeing it to safety.



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