Біжить трамвай бруківкою старою

Біжить трамвай бруківкою старою
Дивись, у небі дощ, мабуть, дозрів
Кам'яні леви гордою красою
Таки чарують і сторожать Львів
Під парасолями ховаються прохожі,
В дощі відбилось світло ліхтарів,
І їх самотність -- то моя сторожа,
І неповторність їх -- то тільки Львів.
Стареньких вуличок вузенькі лабіринти...
І тут історія написана без слів.
Ну ось, - годинник зазвучав і треба бігти,
Тож як завжди: «До зустрічі, мій Львів!»


  1. POETRY .
    The means of painting, music, dance are the color , sounds and gestures . That of the poem is the speech. So that you can see on the one side , the intimate connection and that sort of brotherhood that unites all the arts, all daughters of nature, which are intended for the same purpose , are adjusted by the same principles ; on the other side , their peculiar differences , what separates and distinguishes between them. There is little order in the way of dealing with the fine arts. We judge them through poetry. It is believed to give the right ideas , saying that it embraces all the arts : it is said , a mixture of painting, music and eloquence.
    As eloquence , it speaks: bring tests , he says.
    As the music has a regulated pace , tones , cadences , where the mixture forms a sort of concert. Such as painting, drawing objects : there spreads the colors, you spread all the nuances of nature; in short, it makes use of color and brush , use the melody and chords , demonstrates the truth and makes you love it . The poetry embraces every kind of matter takes possession of what is most brilliant in the history is there , it enters in the fields of philosophy, soars in the sky to admire the secrets of nature , piercing even from the dead to see ricomprense of the righteous and torments of the impious.
    Includes everything in the universe .
    If this world is not enough , create new worlds that beautifies enchanted dwellings and population of several thousand inhabitants . In this place , the poetry form beings at will : it generates nothing is perfect , enriches all products of nature : it is a kind of magic , illusion eye , the imagination , the spirit itself , in order to procure the men of the real pleasures , by means of chimerical inventions . It 's so that most of the authors speak of poetry.


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